2. C API

2.1. Bitstring’s functions

The following functions are used to create, destroy, and manipulate bitstrings. Many of them have a parameter len, which is the number of bytes of the bitstring. It was a design choice which saves computing it everytime.

typedef uint64_t bitstring_t
void bs_init_bitcount_table()

Initialize a 64kb in RAM which is used to improve performance when calculating the distance between two bitstrings.

bitstring_t* bs_alloc(const unsigned int len)

Allocate memory for a bitstring with len bytes.

void bs_free(bitstring_t *bs)

Free the memory of a bitstring.

void bs_copy(bitstring_t *dst, const bitstring_t *src, unsigned int len)

Copy one bitstring into another.

void bs_init_zeros(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len, unsigned int bits_remaining)

Initialize a bitstring with all bits equal to zero. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_init_ones(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len, unsigned int bits_remaining)

Initialize a bitstring with all bits equal to one. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_init_random(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len, unsigned int bits_remaining)

Initialize a bitstring with random bits. Each bit is sampled from Bernoulli trial with p=0.5. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_init_hex(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len, char *hex)

Initialize a bitstring with random bits. Each bit is sampled from Bernoulli trial with p=0.5. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_init_b64(bitstring_t *bs, char *b64)

Initialize a bitstring from a base64 string. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_to_hex(char *buf, bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len)

Initialize a bitstring from a hexadecimal string. The bitstring’s memory must have already been allocated.

void bs_to_b64(char *buf, bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int len)

Generate the base64 string representation of the bitstring.

int bs_distance(const bitstring_t *bs1, const bitstring_t *bs2, const unsigned int len)

Calculate the hamming distance between two bitstrings.

unsigned int bs_get_bit(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int bit)

Return a specific bit from a bitstring.

void bs_set_bit(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int bit, unsigned int value)

Change the value of a specific bit from a bitstring.

void bs_flip_bit(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int bit)

Flip a specific bit from a bitstring.

int bs_flip_random_bits(bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int bits, unsigned int flips)

Randomly choose flips bits of the bitstring. It is used to generate a random bitstring with a given distance from another bitstring.

void bs_xor(bitstring_t *bs1, const bitstring_t *bs2, const unsigned int len)

Calculate the XOR bitwise operation between two bitstrings. The result is stored in bs1.

void bs_and(bitstring_t *bs1, const bitstring_t *bs2, const unsigned int len)

Calculate the AND bitwise operation between two bitstrings. The result is stored in bs1.

void bs_or(bitstring_t *bs1, const bitstring_t *bs2, const unsigned int len)

Calculate the OR bitwise operation between two bitstrings. The result is stored in bs1.

void bs_average(bitstring_t *bs1, const bitstring_t *bs2, const unsigned int len)

Calculate average between the bitstrings. The result is stored in bs1.

2.2. Address Space’s functions

struct address_space_s()
unsigned int bits

SDM dimension.

unsigned int sample

Number of hard-locations.

bitstring_t **addresses

This approach allocates a continuous chunk of memory for all bitstring addresses. The addresses allows the use of array notation: addresses[0], addresses[1], …

Let a be addresses. Then:

          a[0]   a[1]   a[2]   a[3]   a[4]
          |      |      |      |      |
          v      v      v      v      v
bs_data = xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx|xxxxxx
unsigned int bs_len;
unsigned int bs_bits_remaining;
bitstring_t *bs_data;
int as_init(struct address_space_s *this, unsigned int bits, unsigned int sample)


int as_init_random(struct address_space_s *this, unsigned int bits, unsigned int sample)

Testing again..

int as_init_from_b64_file(struct address_space_s *this, char *filename)
int as_free(struct address_space_s *this)
int as_save_b64_file(const struct address_space_s *this, char *filename)
int as_scan_linear(const struct address_space_s *this, const bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int radius, uint8_t *buf)
int as_scan_thread(const struct address_space_s *this, const bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int radius, uint8_t *buf, unsigned int thread_count)
void as_print_summary(struct address_space_s *this)
void as_print_addresses_b64(struct address_space_s *this)
void as_print_addresses_hex(struct address_space_s *this)

2.3. OpenCL Scanner

int as_scanner_opencl_init(struct opencl_scanner_s *this, struct address_space_s *as, char *opencl_source)
void as_scanner_opencl_free(struct opencl_scanner_s *this)
int as_scan_opencl(struct opencl_scanner_s *this, bitstring_t *bs, unsigned int radius, uint8_t *result)

2.4. Counter’s functions

typedef int counter_t
struct counter_s
unsigned int bits
unsigned int sample
int fd
char *filename
counter_t **counter
counter_t *data
int counter_init(struct counter_s *this, unsigned int bits, unsigned int sample)
int counter_init_file(char *filename, struct counter_s *this)
void counter_free(struct counter_s *this)
void counter_print_summary(struct counter_s *this)
void counter_print(struct counter_s *this, unsigned int index)
int counter_add_bitstring(struct counter_s *this, unsigned int index, bitstring_t *bs)
int counter_add_counter(struct counter_s *c1, unsigned int idx1, struct counter_s *c2, unsigned int idx2)
int counter_to_bitstring(struct counter_s *this, unsigned int index, bitstring_t *bs)
int counter_create_file(char *filename, unsigned int bits, unsigned int sample)

2.5. SDM’s functions

struct sdm_s
unsigned int bits
unsinged int sample
unsinged int scanner_type
struct opencl_scanner_s *opencl_opts
unsinged int thread_count
struct address_space_s *address_space
struct counter_s *counter
int sdm_init_linear(struct sdm_s *sdm, struct address_space_s *address_space, struct counter_s *counter)
int sdm_init_thread(struct sdm_s *sdm, struct address_space_s *address_space, struct counter_s *counter, unsigned int thread_count)
int sdm_init_opencl(struct sdm_s *sdm, struct address_space_s *address_space, struct counter_s *counter, char *opencl_source)
void sdm_free(struct sdm_s *sdm)
int sdm_write(struct sdm_s *sdm, bitstring_t *addr, unsigned int radius, bitstring_t *datum)
int sdm_read(struct sdm_s *sdm, bitstring_t *addr, unsigned int radius, bitstring_t *output)
int sdm_iter_read(struct sdm_s *sdm, bitstring_t *addr, unsigned int radius, unsigned int max_iter, bitstring_t *output)